Public schools, unlike guns, actually influence what and how people think, believe, and behave. Guns, on the other hand, as inanimate objects, do not and cannot influence anyone to do anything. All of the violence that has been committed in our schools has one thing in common, and it is not an AR-15. All of the violence that has been committed in our schools has been committed in government schools, commonly called “public schools”. In order to stop what the Liberal Left has labeled “gun violence” we should ban government schools not guns. All Americans, who understand that the Liberal Left’s view of life does not work, cannot work, and will never work, no matter how it is implemented, should band together to ban government schools, because their philosophy is literally killing our school children.
Tag Archive | gun control
Curtailing Mass Murder
Once again we are faced with another tragic school shooting and once again many people beat their drums for gun control. Yet, is gun control the solution to our nation’s recent epidemic of mass shootings? Asked in this way, the answer is obviously yes, because other than firearms, there is nearly no other object that people use to lethally “shoot” another person. But such a question is equivalent to, “Have you stopped beating your spouse?”
Gun Control
Every time a mass shooting happens in America, and before research or analysis for the actual cause can begin, many people and news outlets instantaneously clamor for national gun control as if they are following Rahm Emanuel’s dictum to “never let a serious crisis go to waste.” Such an approach speaks loudly that the issue is more about control than it is about guns.
As part of gun control advocates’ mantra and a cornerstone of their argument, they claim citizens don’t need “assault weapons” to hunt or to defend themselves in their homes. Although, it is true citizens can do both of these things without military style firearms, their claim misinterprets the intent of the Second Amendment and the right it was written to protect.
Stopping the Next Columbine
While our nation grieves over another tragic and senseless mass killing there are many among us who advocate the termination of a constitutionally protected right to stop this from happening again. If a constitutionally protected right is abolished or diminished there is nothing to prevent the same from happening to any of our other rights protected by the Constitution. Even talking about abolishing or diminishing such a right is opening up Pandora’s Box, and since the box has been opened we should talk about banning something else that has killed more people than all the guns in the world: bad ideas communicated via newspapers, news programs, schools, legislators, laws, and judges.