Overlooked Gun Violence Solution

Every time America experiences a unique gun violence episode, some Americans fall back on their preconceived notion that guns are the problem, as if eliminating guns will take away people’s desire and will to kill others. If such a panacea were true, all Americans should support it, but this idea is a fairytale. The reality is that guns no more inspire people to kill others than automobiles inspire people to commit vehicular homicide.

American weapon

Their argument falls short by the fact that guns have been a part of our nation since its inception, and also by the fact that from the time fully automatic weapons, like the 1920 Thompson sub-machine gun, were invented until they were restricted by the 1934 National Firearms Act, every American had access to firearms and anyone could purchase fully automatic weapons without restriction, but yet no one used them to promiscuously kill others. The question Americans should ask is, “What has changed?” It certainly is not access to guns.

Since a few Americans have opened Pandora’s Box by advocating for the infringement or abolition of a right enumerated in the Bill of Rights, the following is an alternative solution to the so called gun violence problem that will also solve more than just America’s alleged gun violence issue.

Objectively and numerically, the idea of Socialism has killed more people, globally, than all the gun violence throughout history, combined. Therefore, it is only logical that if we take away the right of free speech from any American who espouses Socialist ideas or advocates for Socialism in any way, shape, or form that we can drastically reduce gun violence to near zero, and as an added bonus, we can also reduce and eventually eliminate our national debt.

Socialistic ideas entered our national discourse about seventy-five years after we declared our independence and Socialism is the foundational cause of many social ills we now face as a nation. Fundamental to Socialism is the idea that God, and His Law, has no place in government or governance, because atheism is the theology of Socialism. So atheistic is Socialism that through its acceptance we now have a palpable animosity towards anything Christian in our society.

We see this concept manifested in public schools where it is all but illegal to uphold Christianity and Christian values in the classroom. We also see it in the apparent war on Christmas where many businesses and people want to refer to Christmas as, “The Holidays,” or “The Holiday Season.” This deranged idea has gone so far that we now must defend, in court, the right to have a Christian cross on public land such as the American Legion v. American Humanist Association Supreme Court case in which the American Humanists sued to have a World War I cross removed from Bladensburg, Maryland. That is just the latest case in many similar cases over the last several decades.

Socialism is also the main idea behind Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, and these three programs are the main drivers of our national debt. Our national debt took on a life of its own under the Wilson administration with the creation of the Federal Reserve, but it rapidly increased as a result of the FDR, LBJ, and Obama administrations, and Socialism is the ideology behind the FDR, LBJ, and Obama policies. LBJ’s promises that the “Great Society” would eliminate poverty and racial injustice do not even measure up to the veracity of President Obama’s claim that, “if you like your doctor you can keep him.” Like all other Socialist policies, it fell completely short on its promises, but exponentially expanded our national debt.

In order for fiscally conservative politicians to pass any bills through Congress, they must compromise with their Socialist minded opponents from across the political divide. These political opponents beat their fists on their desks and refuse to budge on bills until they get at least some of what they want, and nearly all of what they demand is extremely toxic for our nation.

If we, as a nation, take away the free speech of politicians, pundits, news anchors, and private citizens who advocate for Socialist ideas or policies and, instead, restore values such as, “Thou shall not kill,” we will not only see a drastic reduction in gun violence, but all other methods of murder as well. As an added benefit, taking the right of free speech away from advocates of Socialism will also put sanity and civility back into America’s fiscal policy and political discourse.

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