Guns Don’t Kill People, Public Schools Do!

Public schools, unlike guns, actually influence what and how people think, believe, and behave. Guns, on the other hand, as inanimate objects, do not and cannot influence anyone to do anything. All of the violence that has been committed in our schools has one thing in common, and it is not an AR-15. All of the violence that has been committed in our schools has been committed in government schools, commonly called “public schools”. In order to stop what the Liberal Left has labeled “gun violence” we should ban government schools not guns. All Americans, who understand that the Liberal Left’s view of life does not work, cannot work, and will never work, no matter how it is implemented, should band together to ban government schools, because their philosophy is literally killing our school children.

Public Schools Kills People Image

Government schools as they exist today were never a good idea, but they have gotten progressively worse in modern times. They are a by-product of the utopian ideas of Robert Owen and his failed New Harmony experiment of 1824. It is no coincidence that “free education for all children in government schools” is the tenth plank of Marx’s 1848 Communist Manifesto. Government schools are still promoting the same disastrous utopian philosophy that Owen originally envisioned and that Karl Marx carried forward, which is now wreaking havoc in our society.

Government schools have gotten progressively worse in modern times, because they are no longer tempered by any moral restrictions on murder. Government schools promote the Liberal Left’s culture of death, which, in part, has been legislated from the bench. Since 1962 the courts have systematically excluded Christianity, prayer, and the Ten Commandments from government schools (Engel v. Vitale, Abington v. Schempp, and Stone v. Graham). With the absence of all moral restrictions prohibiting murder, it is no wonder that government school children are killing each other. The only wonder is that it took thirty to forty years for it to happen.  Now the Liberal Left is blaming guns for the death and destruction that their philosophy has wrought.

Nobody living today can remember a time in America without government schools, but all the founding fathers of our nation grew up without them and they created one of the greatest nations the world has ever known. That is not to say that our nation was or is perfect, but it has never had the mass murder that communist Russia, China, Cambodia, or the National Socialists German Workers Party perpetrated, and we certainly do not have the complete disregard for human rights and civil liberties that communist Venezuela has. As a matter of fact there is nothing in America that utopianism, socialism, and communism cannot completely ruin or kill, and these “isms” are the underlying philosophy being taught in government schools.

An unsubstantiated quote widely attributed to Abraham Lincoln states, “The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” While the attribution of this quote is in question, its accuracy should not be. Ever since Edward Everett, James G. Carter, James Savage, and Horace Mann instituted our current government school system, in 1837, which is centralized, state-controlled, governed by a state bureaucracy, and financed by taxes on property, America has implemented every one of Marx’s ten planks[1] into our society in some form or fashion. Now, the majority of voting age children of college age and younger who are a product of government schools, support socialism. How ingenious for the Liberal Left to force us, through taxation, to pay for a school system that indoctrinates America’s children with their utopian, socialist, and communist philosophy.

Regrettably, one of the innumerable ill effects of socialism and communism is that it instills in the minds of mankind the complete disregard for human life without any moral restrictions against murder, and this culture of death is what we are seeing played out in government schools. It is for this primary reason, that in order to stop school violence we must ban government schools, not guns!

[1] The Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto,, accessed June 3, 2018.

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